Convening a new vision for trade

#TradeUnwrapped has explored the impact of UK trade deals on our daily lives, responding to questions raised by trade experts, citizens, charities and politicians, asking questions about the kind of country we want to be. There are lots of voices helping to shape a new vision for trade at this crucial moment in the UK’s relationship with the world. Here you can explore how to get involved in making change happen.

Which? Trade Dialogues

Which? has been hosting the National Trade Conversation to establish consumers’ priorities and dealbreakers in trade deals, to inform policymakers as the UK continues international trade negotiations.


Jamie Oliver #SaveOurStandards

An open letter to the Prime Minister: “We all want trade – but let’s not enter a race to the bottom and allow low quality products to flood the UK.”


Supply chains

The Global Food and Environment Institute at the University of Leeds is investigating how to improve the efficiency of the food supply chain.

Circular economy tool from Chatham House’s environment team explores the policy and trade dynamics associated with transitioning from linear to circular economic models, and the associated opportunities and trade offs.


Trade and health

The PETRA network explores relationships between trade policy and NCDs, focussing how trade could improve health.


UK Trade Policy Observatory

UK Trade Policy Observatory aims to ensure that new trade policies are constructed in a manner that benefits all.

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 *We reserve the right to only features those campaigns / organisations we think are most relevant for our audience.